
For paper submission

If you have any problem in submission via EDAS, mail your manuscript at  and

After Acceptance Notification and Registration, please upload the camera ready paper to EDAS. Please reconcile the review comments and update your manuscript. You may wish to rewrite certain sections for greater clarity, add endnotes (references), etc. Please check the similarity score of the paper prior to uploading.

In case of any problem, please revert to:

Email: and

Phone: +91 9830348471, +91 9874326326

Important Dates

11th-13th March, 2022

Conference Dates

31st January, 2022

Full paper submission

10th February, 2022

Acceptance Notification

20th February, 2022

Camera-ready copy due

28th February, 2022

Presentation Submission

11th February to 17th February, 2022
